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Work Begins on DRW Wildfire Fuels Mitigation Project


Work begins to reduce wildfire risk by removing flammable vegetation in the Deschutes River Woods community.

The Deschutes River Woods Wildfire Fuels Mitigation Project is part of a three-year Oregon State Fire Marshal (OSFM) Community Wildfire Risk Reduction grant awarded to Deschutes County Rural Fire Protection District #2. The project aims to remove brush and ladder fuels, small trees no larger than 6 inches in diameter, that contribute to extreme fire behavior.

The project area includes BNSF Railroad and ODOT lands between Hwy 97 and Cheyenne Road, with the northern boundary north of Baker Road, extending south to the Forest Service boundary. No private residences or public properties will be affected. Work is expected to continue through spring and will end once fire season begins or conditions become too dry, whichever comes first. Additional work will resume in the fall after fire season concludes.

Deschutes River Woods was identified as a high-risk area for extreme wildfire behavior. This grant funding allows the district to enhance the community’s resiliency by improving emergency access and egress for residents and first responders, as well as promoting vegetation health and wildlife habitat. The project will treat 156 acres of wildfire fuels, creating a fuel break in the wildland-urban interface between forested land and populated areas.

Education and outreach about the project began in Fall 2024 with a Wildfire Preparedness presentation for the Deschutes River Woods community, hosted by Bend Fire & Rescue with support from partners such as Project Wildfire, OSFM, Oregon Department of Forestry, National Forest Service, Think Wild, OSU Extension, Deschutes County Sheriff, and Discover Your Forest.

“This project is a significant step in our ongoing efforts to protect Deschutes County residents from the growing threat of wildfires,” said Roger Johnson, District CEO. “We selected Deschutes River Woods due to its high volume of wildland fuels and overall wildfire risk. We’re also excited to collaborate with partners like ODOT and BNSF Railroad, and we’re proud to make a positive impact on wildfire prevention and community resiliency.”

Contractor Burnbot, Inc. will carry out the work using various treatments, including low-noise remote mastication equipment to minimize disturbance to the community. Burnbot, Inc. prioritizes safety and environmental care and will maintain an ongoing firewatch, with a Type 6 engine on standby as temperatures rise.

Project staff will visit local residents to notify them of upcoming work and remind them to keep pets at a safe distance. For questions about the project, contact Bend Fire & Rescue at 541-322-6300.

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