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Oregon Youth Challenge Receives “Outstanding” Rating


The Oregon Youth Challenge Program (OYCP) has become the first in the nation to receive an “outstanding” rating under new federal evaluation criteria, program director Frank Tallman announced.

The program, Oregon’s only accredited statewide alternative high school, underwent a comprehensive four-day on-site inspection by the National Guard Bureau’s (NGB) Youth Programs Division as part of its regular three-year evaluation cycle.

“This is outstanding recognition to the staff, to the cadets, to the state, to our federal partners — everybody that helps the program had a part of this,” Tallman said. “It’s a great accomplishment.”

Inspectors evaluated four main areas: operation compliance, operation performance, resource compliance, and resource performance. OYCP received the highest possible overall rating under a new manual implemented last year.

The program currently serves 161 cadets with 63 staff members. According to Tallman, the most recent class was the program’s largest graduating class ever with 165 cadets, and the current class began with a record 191 cadets.

“Since COVID, we’ve seen a steady uptick in applications,” Tallman said. “We’re seeing a bigger need across the state for kids applying to the program.”

While the facility has capacity for up to 240 cadets per class, Tallman noted the program has not seen funding rise at the federal level for the past three years, limiting staff hiring. Despite funding constraints, demand for the program continues to grow across Oregon’s 36 counties.

The Oregon Youth Challenge Program offers a free alternative education option through two phases: a 22-week residential phase where cadets live on-site focusing on academic instruction, followed by a 24-month post-residential phase where cadets return to their communities with continued support while working toward personal and placement goals.

The program, administered by the Oregon National Guard, is one of 37 Youth Challenge programs operating in 29 states nationwide. Each program undergoes an on-site inspection every three years, with self-assessments conducted during interim years.