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State Helps Fund New Affordable Homes


Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) announced the approval of more than $7 million to fund 59 homes, as part of the ongoing effort to narrow the racial wealth gap in homeownership. Broadly, Black homeownership in Oregon is consistent with nationwide trends that show lagging progress. OHCS remains committed to moving our state forward on closing the racial wealth gap, and today gets closer to that reality.

“Awarding these funds just a month after announcing the first round of funding awards in May to build 157 new homes shows the benefit of moving to a rolling application process,” said OHCS Executive Director Andrea Bell. “This new approach allows developers to begin construction sooner, accelerating the delivery of affordable homeownership opportunities. We insist on a better housing future for our state to ensure progress that represents all communities.”

Of the new awards, Self Enhancement, Inc. (SEI) will receive $1.6 million to develop Abbey Lot Townhomes in the Albina District of Portland. SEI, along with their development partners Community Development Partners and Proud Ground, is seeking to make a lasting impact on the historically displaced community affected by the rapid gentrification of Portland.

As part of a larger effort to reconnect Black families to the Albina District, the eight 3-bedroom townhomes and a supporting outreach strategy seek to bring families who have been displaced back to the North Portland neighborhood. Homeowners will have access to services through SEI’s Community and Family Programming, including energy assistance, housing assistance, and access to SEI’s in-school services.

“At Self Enhancement, Inc., we believe that the opportunity for homeownership shouldn’t be a privilege; it should be a foundation,” said Trent Aldridge, SEI chief program officer. “That’s why we are excited to advocate, support, and invest in homeownership in traditionally underserved communities.

The remainder of this round of funding will go toward two Central Oregon projects. Thistle & Nest will use the funds to create 38 new affordable two- and three-bedroom homes within the larger Woodhaven development in Bend. Bend-Redmond Habitat for Humanity is also receiving funding to provide additional support to the Timber Cottages development in Redmond.

More information about each project can be found in the June Housing Stability Council packet.

About Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS)

OHCS is Oregon’s housing finance agency. The state agency provides financial and program support to create and preserve opportunities for quality, affordable housing for Oregonians of low and moderate income. OHCS administers programs that provide housing stabilization. OHCS delivers these programs primarily through grants, contracts, and loan agreements with local partners and community-based providers. For more information, please visit: